

Pittsburg Public Library

category : Carnegie Libraries
Pittsburg Public Library The Pittburg Public Library, listed on the National Register of Historical Landmarks, is an example of the Prarie School of Architecture. Built in 1910 by Andrew Carnegie, it is the only Carnegie library not bearing his name on the exterior. Since Carnegie was anti-union, Pittsburg Unions protested the city's accepting his donation. "You might as well put a skull and cross bones in the stained glass windows," one Pittsburg woman said. However, Carnegie acceded to the city's wishes and built the library without his name.

Pittsburg has enjoyed the use of a public library since 1902. The Carnegie building, dedicated in 1912, currently houses over 72,000 items. In 1994 a special bond issue was passed to build a 14,000 square foot addition and renovate the Carnegie building. The addition features a ground-level entrance, meeting room, elevator, children's department and adult collection. The renovated building will house staff areas, reading room, seminar room and genealogy section.

Hours: Winter and Summer Hours
Address: Fourth and Walnut Streets
Phone: 620-231-8110
Hours: Winter - Monday thru Thursday, 9 a.m.- 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Summer - Monday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Tuesday thru Thursday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Come visit us in Pittsburg, Kansas

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Bison Herd

The Bison heard is on display year round. Stop and view the bison herd as you imagine earlier days when the plains were filled with these magnificent animals. Fun Fact: A bison has 14 pair of ribs instead of the 13 pair found in the

Pittsburg, KS Natural Attractions

Fisk Opus 106 Pipe Organ

The Opus 106 Pipe Organ is a superb mechanical-action pipe organ built by one of the finest organ builders in the world. It arrived on the Pittsburg State campus in March, 1995, and was presented to the university in inaugural festivities, October 1995.

Pittsburg, KS Arts

Pittsburg Public Library

The Pittburg Public Library, listed on the National Register of Historical Landmarks, is an example of the Prarie School of Architecture. Built in 1910

Pittsburg, KS Carnegie Libraries

Crawford County State Lake

Crawford County State Lake is a public fishing area. The marina offers boat ramps, picnic facilities and swimming beach. Camping - 63

Pittsburg, KS Recreation

Things to do Carnegie Libraries near Pittsburg, KS

Burlington Carnegie Free Library

Built in 1912 and dedicated on April 29, 1913, the library was placed on the National Register of Historic Places for ...

Carnegie Library

The Carnegie Library was built in 1906 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Girard was the sm...