

Burlington, Kansas

The Post Office building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on October 17, 1989 for its association with the Treasury Department's Section Program and for the artistic significance of the sculpture it contains.

The sculpture, "Boy and Colt," was carved by Arizona artist Robert Kittredge in 1942. The National Register has identified post offices containing Section artwork as being exceptionally significant if they retain integrity from their period of significance.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Wolf Creek Generating Station

Wolf Creek Generating station is the only nuclear power plant in the state of Kansas. It plays a key role in providing electrical power for some 780,000 customers in Kansas and Missouri.

Burlington, KS Tours

Wolf Creek Environmental Education Area

The Wolf Creek Environmental Education Area opened in September of 1994 offers visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the nature of eastern Kansas. The area consists of 160 acres on which there are three self-guided trails that start and end at the "silo."

Burlington, KS Nature Centers

Coffey County Historical Society and Museum

The Coffey County Museum, which features 12,000 square feet of displays, is located in Katy Park of the original Townsite of the City of Burlington, which was platted in 1857

Burlington, KS Museums

St. Francis Xavier Church

The St. Francis Xavier Church is one of Burlington's older churches, built in 1901. It replaced a frame building built in 1871.Parishioners excavated a basement beneath the existing building in 1954 and outfitted it as a church hall. Mass was offered by missionary priests as early as 1859

Burlington, KS Historic Churches

Chamber of Commerce and Visitor's Center - Caboose

Coffey County Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center is located in a bright red Sante Fe Caboose at the intersection of Highway 75

Burlington, KS Railroad History

Things to do near Burlington, KS

1893 Iron Truss Bridge

Walk out on this venerable 100+ year old structure for a compelling view of the falls and canyon. One of a vanishing breed, t...