

Burlington, Kansas

Wolf Creek Generating station is the only nuclear power plant in the state of Kansas. It plays a key role in providing electrical power for some 780,000 customers in Kansas and Missouri.

For decades, natural gas, oil and coal were the fuels of choice for generating electricity in this region. But natural gas and oil prices skyrocketed in the 1970s, supplies became uncertain, and America faced a growing dependence on foreign oil. Coal continues to be an important fuel source, but over-reliance on any one single source opens the door to power shortcomings if supply is interrupted.

There is, however, another option. Uranium used in nuclear fuel is plentiful in the United States and the world. Cost of uranium fuel is about a fourth as expensive as oil or gas, and use of nuclear fuel does not contribute to acid rain or the "greenhouse" effect.

Wolf Creek generates electricity by heating water to produce steam. Steam turns turbines which spin a magnet inside an electrical generator, thus producing electricity. Instead of burning gas, oil, or coal as a heat source, Wolf Creek produces heat by splitting, or "fissioning," atoms of uranium fuel. Water surrounding the fuel in the reactor is heated by the fissioning uranium. As this super-heated water circulates in pipes through four steam generators, heat is transferred to a second water system, which boils, creating steam which is used to spin the turbine and produce electricity.

Tours - The Wolf Creek Generating Station welcomes groups who wish to learn more about the system. The company also has a Speakers Bureau which provides speakers on a variety of topics. There is no charge for tours or speakers. The tour is approximately one hour.

Maximum group size for tours is 36, unless special arrangements are made in advance. Adequate adult supervision must be provided for children.

Wolf Creek's Speakers Bureau provides speakers for civic groups, clubs, schools, and businesses. Speakers and tours should be requested at least one month in advance, if possible.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Old Excelsior Mill

In early Coffey County history, farmers brought their wheat to this well-known Burlington landmark situated at the east end of Kennebec Street. The elevator building is all that remains of the Excelsior Water Mills, built in 1869

Burlington, KS Historic Mills

St. Francis Xavier Church

The St. Francis Xavier Church is one of Burlington's older churches, built in 1901. It replaced a frame building built in 1871.Parishioners excavated a basement beneath the existing building in 1954 and outfitted it as a church hall. Mass was offered by missionary priests as early as 1859

Burlington, KS Historic Churches

1896 School House

The Rural Dale School which was located east of LeRoy, Kansas in Coffey County, was recently donated to the Coffey County Museum by Irene Woods. The 1896 school house has been moved next to the Museum and is currently undergoing restoration. Restoration should be completed early in 1997.

Burlington, KS Historic Schoolhouses

Wolf Creek Generating Station

Wolf Creek Generating station is the only nuclear power plant in the state of Kansas. It plays a key role in providing electrical power for some 780,000 customers in Kansas and Missouri.

Burlington, KS Tours

Wolf Creek Environmental Education Area

The Wolf Creek Environmental Education Area opened in September of 1994 offers visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the nature of eastern Kansas. The area consists of 160 acres on which there are three self-guided trails that start and end at the "silo."

Burlington, KS Nature Centers

Things to do near Burlington, KS

City Campground

Overnight camping is available at the Yates Center City Campground. Located on the right as you enter Reservoir Road. The cam...

Opothle Yahola

Speaker - Prophet - Medicine Man of the Upper Creek Nation Opothle Yahola was born in the late 1700s in the tribal town...

City Parks

Kiwanis Park Playground tables, grill and rest room are adjacent to soccer fields. Located at the east edge of B...