South Owl Lake has approximately 276 acres of surface water. Nestled among the Blackjacks, South Owl Lake and it's surroundings offer a beautiful setting for an exciting fishing experience or wonderful family outing.
Wildflower and Wildlife Viewing, Camping, Hiking, Boating, Water Skiing, Hunting, Fishing and Wind Surfing are among the favorites at South Owl Lake.
Fish for Channel Cat, Walleye, Black Bass, Wiper, Bluegill, Crappie, and Small Mouth Bass.
A drawdown is sometimes implemented in the fall to help alleviate erosion and turbidity. A feeding program increases the carrying capacity and growth rate of the channel catfish at this lake. A fish barrier screen on the spillway reduces the loss of fish downstream during wet periods. Do not let the "muddy" water fool you, the lake has excellent bass, crappie and wiper fishing.
South Owl Lake has a boat ramp and fishing piers. Improvements recently finished or in process, include a RV campground and an additional fishing pier on the west side of the lake. Plans are also being considered for a shelterhouse at the lake. The Lakeside Golf Course also adjoins the lake.