

Holton, Kansas

Rafters Park provides a variety of recreational opportunities in the scenic rolling terrain adjacent to Elkhorn Lake. Outdoor activities include swimming, softball/baseball, sand volleyball courts, miniature golf, fishing, and shelterhouses.

The park is the site for the Holton Municipal Swimming Pool which was built in 1936 as a WPA project. The 385,000 gallon pool is one of the largest in the region. Activities in the park are geared not only for individual outdoor use, but semi-organized activities as well.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Jackson County Historical Museum

The Jackson County Historical society Museum contains one of the finest volunteer-run collections in Kansas. Authentic, detailed exhibits are changed monthly.

Holton, KS Museums

Sears Roebuck and Co. House

A Sears Roebuck and Co. concrete block house was featured in the 1908 General Catalog for $1,995.00. That amount allowed for paid labor for assembling the house. The concrete blocks were made on site with a Wizard of Buckeye Concrete Block Machine which were sold in the same catalog.

Holton, KS Historic Homes

Swimming Pool

Built in 1936 as a WPA project, Holton's municipal pool is one of largest in the midwest with a 385,000 gallon pool. The pool underwent complete renovation in 1985, incorporating state-of-the-art health and safety technology.

Holton, KS Recreation

Jackson County Courthouse

The Jackson County Courthouse, built in 1920, is the centerpiece of the courtyard and the downtown business community.

Holton, KS Historic Courthouses

Prairie Band Potawatomi Reservation

Rich in cultural tradition, the Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribe currently reside on 11 square miles, 77,000 acres, west of U.S. 75. Tribal membership is over 4,300 with approximately 500 living on the reservation and the remainder living across the United States.

Holton, KS Indian Reservations

Things to do near Holton, KS

Banner Creek Boating

Boating and water skiing are permitted on most of the 535 surface acre resevoir. All water vessels are required to obey signs...

Campbell Vineyard and Winery

What once started with 6 grape vines planted in 1997 has now transpired into more than 2 acres of vineyards. The winery was ...

The Rose of Sharon Sanctuary

The Rose of Sharon Sanctuary stands as a source of inspiration and meditation on the crest of a hill, located from Horton, 2 ...