

Beloit, Kansas

Hopewell Church was originally located southwest of Beloit. Parts of the church building are 111 years old. Founded in 1876 as a Presbyterian Congregation which met in homes for a while, a 24 x 40 foot building was later built with the lumber trucked by oxen drawn wagons from Greenleaf.

To build the present church in 1911, the thrifty founders carefully dismantled the old church and used the lumber to build the new church. Of simple country architecture, the church has the original decorative embossed-tin ceiling, gracefully arched opalescent windows and hard yellow pine woodwork.

The Hopewell Church building is now open for public use for a maintenance fee. A meeting room, kitchen, and restrooms are located in the basement. Reservations may be mad by calling the Glen Elder State Park Office.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Healing Waters: the Legend of Waconda Springs

Waconda Springs for centuries inspired wonder among its visitors. Both Indians and whites marveled at Kansas' largest saltwater spring. The diameter at the base is 300

Beloit, KS Indian Heritage

St. John's Catholic Church

A structure built of native limestone completed in 1904 in the form of a Latin Cross of Romanesque and Gothic style. It was the first church built in the United States with flying buttresses and an entire stone ceiling. The twin towers are 100' tall, 108' including the crosses adorning each tower.

Beloit, KS Historic Churches

Little Red Schoolhouse

This unique and original schoolhouse, built in 1871, has been completely restored to 19

Beloit, KS Historic Schoolhouses

Col. William Newton Kinslow

When Col. William Newton Kinslow died in Beloit on Oct. 18, 1948, many attended his funeral, but no one bought him a head stone to mark his final resting place. At 6'7", Kinslow was a member of the National Society of Longfellows and at one time was listed as the second tallest man in Kansas.

Beloit, KS Pioneer Life

Mitchell County Museum

The museum, organized in 1971, has four floors of displays featuring historical items of Mitchell County. The building was formerly a nurses home built in 1929 in a "Williamsburg" design. Displays include: Dishes, quilts, guns, china head dolls, iron toys, old maps, 400 bells, an 1867

Beloit, KS Museums

Things to do near Beloit, KS

Markley Grove Park

For updates or $ changes go to -- In November of 1910 the park was given to...