

Cawker City, Kansas

Built in 1886, the Cawker City United Methodist Church Organ is the oldest church organ in Kansas. Henry Pilcher's Sons of Louisville, Kentucky built the organ for the congregational church in Kinsley, Kansas. At the time, it was the only organ in Kansas west of Emporia. In 1931, the Cawker Methodists bought the organ and placed it in their native limestone church. This second home for the Pilcher organ was built in 1885 and rebuilt in 1911 after a fire practically destroyed the structure. By 1976, structural defects necessitated the razing of the stone church and a new sanctuary was built. At this time, the organ was restored by Reuter Organ Co., Lawrence, Kansas and installed in the new sanctuary

The organ is typically English in construction and features painted pipes with "Victorian stencil" designs. Beside the obvious English stop names of Diapason and Dulcianna, other English features include a swell box for the upper manual, two foot levers which add or take off stops on the great for quick dynamic chanes, and the use of a 12 note common bass stop for each manual for the stops which begin at tenor C. The organ can be pumped by hand or winded by an electric motor. The case is of ash and oak and the key desk and pedalboard are of walnut.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Lakeside Golf Course

Lakeside Golf Course is a 9-hole artificial turf course built in 1994 and open to the public. It was designed by Dave Cunningham. Weekday green fees for non-members are $3.00 for 9 holes during peak season. Weekend green fees for non-members are $3.00 for 9 holes during peak season. Yardage: 522

Cawker City, KS Golf Courses

World's Largest Ball of Twine

One of the world's largest balls of twine is displayed in a shelter house in downtown Cawker City on Highway 24. In 1953, Frank Stoeber, a thrifty local farmer started the ball with used twine from bales of hay. By 1973

Cawker City, KS One Of A Kinds

United Methodist Church Organ

Built in 1886, the Cawker City United Methodist Church Organ is the oldest church organ in Kansas. Henry Pilcher's Sons of Louisville, Kentucky built the organ for the congregational church in Kinsley, Kansas. At the time, it was the only organ in Kansas west of Emporia. In 1931

Cawker City, KS Historic Churches

Cawker City Cemeteries

Prairie Grove Cemetery and Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery are located 1/2 mile north of the city limits on Lake Drive and then 1/2 mile east.

Cawker City, KS Cemeteries

Things to do near Cawker City, KS

Bohemian Hall

The hall became the center for lodge meetings, wedding dances, public dances, plays, programs, church services and funerals. ...

Largest Post Rock Slab in Kansas

This huge limestone post with the engraved words "Post Rock Country" is the largest post rock in Kansas. In it's entirety the...