

Cawker City, Kansas

Waconda was the daughter of a great Chief. She became infatuated with the son of another chief of a hostile tribe. The intimacy between Waconda and the young brave was strongly opposed by the parents of both, but the lovers would brook no interference, so finally the tribes met on the plain surrounding the spring and a battle ensued. The lover of the fair Waconda, weak from loss of blood, fell headlong into the depths of the pool, while the maiden, frantic with grief, turned upon her cruel father and charged him with being the murderer of the one whose teepee she had agreed to share. The father bent his bow and a moment later an arrow was sent crashing into her skull and the body followed that of her lover into the water of the spring, which the Indians named Waconda, and they still believe that the spirit of the maiden dwells in the spring.

Located three miles east of Cawker City and near the river, the spring flowed from the top of a 42 foot flat-topped mound. The body of water was over 50 feet in diameter and had an undetermined depth. Rain or drought never affected the tranquil waters. Many people thought that the water rose and fell with the ocean tides.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

World's Largest Ball of Twine

One of the world's largest balls of twine is displayed in a shelter house in downtown Cawker City on Highway 24. In 1953, Frank Stoeber, a thrifty local farmer started the ball with used twine from bales of hay. By 1973

Cawker City, KS One Of A Kinds

United Methodist Church Organ

Built in 1886, the Cawker City United Methodist Church Organ is the oldest church organ in Kansas. Henry Pilcher's Sons of Louisville, Kentucky built the organ for the congregational church in Kinsley, Kansas. At the time, it was the only organ in Kansas west of Emporia. In 1931

Cawker City, KS Historic Churches

Lakeside Golf Course

Lakeside Golf Course is a 9-hole artificial turf course built in 1994 and open to the public. It was designed by Dave Cunningham. Weekday green fees for non-members are $3.00 for 9 holes during peak season. Weekend green fees for non-members are $3.00 for 9 holes during peak season. Yardage: 522

Cawker City, KS Golf Courses

Cawker City Cemeteries

Prairie Grove Cemetery and Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery are located 1/2 mile north of the city limits on Lake Drive and then 1/2 mile east.

Cawker City, KS Cemeteries

Things to do near Cawker City, KS

Bell-Bogardus Indian Massacre and Cemetery

August 12, 1868 - At the homestead site of David A. Bogardus, 40 rods north of the Solomon River and 3 miles southeast of Wil...