

Osborne, Kansas

The Osborne City Cemetery opened in 1879 at the corner of Eleventh Street and U.S. Highway 24 West. Veterans ranging from the Mexican War though the Vietnam War are buried here. Noted buffalo hunter Jeff Durfey and Howard Ruede, author of the celebrated book "Sod-House Days," both rest here as well. A kiosk in the north-central part of the cemetery lists those in repose and allows for easy locating of graves.

A special Memorial Day service is held annually in the cemetery.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Osborne County Veterans Memorial

Erected in 2000, This granite obelisk is dedicated to the memory of all Osborne County military veterans who ever served in active duty. Located on the north side of the historic courthouse square, the black African/

Osborne, KS Memorials


The Osborne visitor can enjoy outdoor activities at the municipal swimming pool, Sanders Baseball Complex, Osborne Gun Club Shooting Range, tennis courts, three miles of bike trails, or just spend some time enjoying one of three parks located in the community.

Osborne, KS Recreation

Osborne County Museum Complex

The Osborne County Museum Complex offers an opportunity to visit the past with memorabilia dating back to the pioneer days.

On Exhibit

* Horse-drawn farm machinery
* Stonemason's tools
* Medical equipment

Osborne, KS Museums

Osborne WPA Scout Cabin

Built of native stone as a Works Progress Administration (WPA)project in 1936, the historic Scout Cabin features original fireman poles and a massive stone fireplace. The building is available for meetings, reunions, and other community events.

Osborne, KS Historic Buildings

Osborne County Pioneers Memorial

This simple elegant sphere-topped white marble column was dedicated in 1929 to preserve the memory and spirit of Osborne County's first generation of settlers. It is located on the northeast corner of the historic courthouse square.

Osborne, KS Memorials

Things to do near Osborne, KS

Historic Downtown Walking Tour

Self-guided tour of downtown square. Pick up a brochure at one of the four hisotry kiosks on the Courthouse Square. ...