Lake Afton
category : Recreation

Address: Located 8 miles East of Cheney on W MacArthur Road S, and 25 miles southwest of Wichita.
Phone: 316-794-2774
Park Facilities
6 - Shelter houses plus many large and small open shelters
5 - Modern restrooms with showers
2 - Recreational vehicle sanitation disposal facilities
1 - Boat ramp
3 - Fishing docks with feeders
1 - Grocery and bait store
3 - Swimming areas ( 2 large/1 small)
* Boating * Go-Cart Races * Antique Car Shows * Jet Ski Races * Family Gatherings & Picnics * Dances * Young Hunters Safety Clinics * Company Picnics * Fishing contests * Water Skiing * Camping groups * State & National Jamborees
- Open shelters with or without electrical outlets are strategically placed.
- Primitive camping is available in many locations.
- Camping day is 6 pm to 6 pm or any portion thereof
- With Electricity - $11.00/day (Seniors - $9.00)
- Primitive Camp - $7.00/day (Seniors - $6.00)
- Water hook-ups are available at only 16 sites, and there is an extra $1.00/day charge for these sites.
- Many species of fish are contained in the lake.
- Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, White and Black Crappie, Sunfishes, Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, Black Bullhead and Walleye are game fish caught by local anglers in the lake.
- Other species inhabiting the lake include Carp, Gizzardshad, Drum, River Carpsucker, Grass Carp and numerous minnow species.
- The lake yields some of the largest flathead Catfish in the state.
- 24 Hour period - $3.00 (Seniors - $2.00)
- Yearly - $15.00 (Seniors - $10.00)
- Permitted from sunup to sundown
- Obtain Boat Permit at the Office before putting boat on the water.
- No skiing after sundown
- No tubes or jet skiis
- All boats up to 20 hp - $3.00/day --- $30.00/year
- 21 hp-90hp -- $5.00/day ---$50.00/year
- 91 hp and up - $6.00/day --- $60.00/year
SHOOTING RANGE (Contact Lake Office)
- Range is open to the public for rifles or pistols and is operated by Young Hunters Incorporation.
- Range is located north of 39th street south.
- The range is open to the public 2 weekends per month.
- The observatory was built in 1981 and has the latest equipment.
- Visitors may use personal telescopes or the observatory telescope. Information may be obtained from the Park Office.
Come visit us in Cheney, Kansas