

Cheney Hunting & Wildlife Area

category : Hunting
The wildlife area provides public hunting during open seasons. Primary game species are pheasant, quail, rabbit, waterfowl, dove, deer, and turkey. Furbearers such as raccoon, red fox, opossum, skunk, muskrat, beaver, and bobcat are common in the area. Due to habitat development, the wildlife area supports an excellent wildlife population.

A refuge has been set aside on the wildlife area for migratory waterfowl. This area is closed to all activities from September 15 to March 1. The refuge is clearly marked with fences, signs, and buoys in the water area. It is re-opened each March for fishing and non-hunting day-use activities.

Nature watching is popular on the wildlife area, and the road along the north side of the refuge is a good place to observe waterfowl.

There is a gun safety range on the north end of the area. Please follow the special rules posted at this range.

Camping is permitted only in designated areas.

Address: 6 Miles N of Cheney, Hwy 251 off Hwy 54
Phone: 316-542-3664
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Cheney Hunting & Wildlife Area

The wildlife area provides public hunting during open seasons. Primary game species are pheasant, quail, rabbit, waterfowl, d...