

Minneola, Kansas

The Kansas Historical Marker stands within a geological feature known as the Big Basin, which is a sinkhole or "sink" about a mile in diameter and more than a hundred feet deep. Although it has the appearance of a valley, it is entirely surrounded by higher ground. Like several other smaller sinks in this section of Kansas, Big Basin was formed thousands of years ago by dissolving and collapse of massive gypsum and salt formations lying several hundred feet below the surface.

Highway 283 bisects the Big Basin traversing 1.04 miles through the basin before climbing to the rim, which has nearly vertical walls. The entrance to the Big Basin Prairie Preserve lies in the bottom of the basin, which is home to a free roaming buffalo herd. Visitors are urged follow the unimproved road to St. Jacob's Well, but to use caution when exiting their vehicles as these animals are unpredictable.

Approximately two-thirds of the basin lies east of the road within the confines of the preserve. The remaining western third of the basin is privately owned.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

St. Jacob's Well

St. Jacob's Well was a welcome spot in this arid area for early explorers and settlers as well as for drovers who used the watering hole for cattle during the long cattle drives heading for Dodge City. A stone pillar marks the highest point, affording travelers a point of reference for St. Jacob'

Minneola, KS Natural Attractions

Tim's Diner

Tim's Diner is a simple stop at the intersection where food and refreshment reveals a surprising discovery - behind the log cabin exterior rests numerous wildlife mounts and dioramas, featuring moose, squirrel, beaver, rattlesnakes, prairie dogs, and much more —

Minneola, KS Museums

Big Basin Prairie Preserve

The Kansas Historical Marker stands within a geological feature known as the Big Basin, which is a sinkhole or "sink"

Minneola, KS Nature Preserves

Clark County Lake

Clark County Lake is nestled in a rugged area of Clark County southeast of Minneola. This 337

Minneola, KS Recreation

Things to do near Minneola, KS

Finney County Historic Driving Tour

Finnup Park Land for the park was donated to the city in 1919 by George Finnup in m...

Chamber of Commerce

Although the chamber has no permanent office the members will give directions and help any visitor with information. look for...