The Kearny County Historical Society has purchased the old, 12-sided barn on the west edge of Lakin. It was restored at its present site, and then moved to a foundation at the Museum Complex in 2001.
The barn was built in 1909 by Robert Glass, a surveyor and superintendent of the Amazon Ditch Company. It contained stalls for four horses and six cows. A well was located in the center of the barn with a windmill on top to pump water. You climbed the windmill tower to get into the loft.
It is said the Utopian Societies, such as the Shakers, originated the round barn design. The circular design enclosed the maximum amount of floor space within the minimum amount of wall length. The circular form had the advantage of strength over the flat side. The roof of the circular barn was self-supporting and did not sag. The roof was also less liable to damage from heavy winds.