

Lakin, Kansas

About four miles east of Lakin on highway 50 is a very good view of wagon ruts. Five sets of Santa Fe Trail ruts are easily made out. At the foot of the ruts, to the west, is a parking area with a state historical marker giving a brief description. To the immediate north-east of the parking area more ruts can be seen.

When Charlie Bentrup became owner of this ground, he realized the importance of these Trail relics, and did his best to preserve them. His son, Paul, also has done his best to preserve them as well as the history of the Santa Fe Trail.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Historic Churches

The Lakin Christian Church was organized in 1901 in the old courthouse building, and the existing building was dedicated in 1908.

The church is made of concrete, is nearly square, and has a splendid seating capacity.

Lincoln and Buffalo Streets

Lakin, KS Historic Churches

Chouteau's Island

Chouteau's Island was the largest island of timber on the Arkansas River in this area. In the spring of 1816, Auguste Pierre Chouteau was returning to Missouri with several other fur trappers when they were attacked by a large party of Pawnee Indians. Chouteau'

Lakin, KS Pioneer History

Old Commercial Hotel

The Commercial Hotel built in 1883 and run by Mrs. W.P. Loucks, had a good trade. Mrs. Loucks, the genial hostess, was the pioneer hotel keeper of Lakin. She came here in 1879 when Lakin was a way station on the Santa Fe and opened an eating house for the railroad employees. "

Lakin, KS Historic Buildings

Lakin City Park

While enjoying your stay in Lakin, stop and relax at Lakin City park. With a swimming pool, basketball facility, and a playground, everyone is sure to be pleased.

Lakin, KS Recreation

Conestoga Wagon

The Conestoga Wagons were used primarily to haul freight on the Santa Fe Trail and other freight trails. They could handle two tons of goods. The wagon in our displayed in the Museum Comples bears the inscription "Joseph Edgar - 1831". There is a series of 1939

Lakin, KS Pioneer History

Things to do near Lakin, KS