

Elkhart, Kansas

A short distance east of Point of Rocks is Middle Springs, a small oasis on the prairie where water rises from an ever-flowing artesian spring. It was the only reliable watering spot for 30 miles each way along the Trail. Today the spring is home to tall trees and brushy undergrowth which attract migrating birds, but during Santa Fe Trail days, it probably a treeless and muddy waterhole, trodden and stirred by buffalo, livestock, and Trail travelers. This welcome resting spot along the Trail now has a picnic area and walking trail for your enjoyment.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Tri-State Marker

Visitors will want to see "8 Mile Corner", where the states of Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma meet. It is located eight miles west of Elkhart on the State Line Road.

Elkhart, KS Markers

Olympic Medalists Glen Cunningham and Thane Baker

Glenn ran on the 1932 and 1936 U.S. Olympic teams winning a silver medal in 1936 in the 1500 meters. In 1938 he set an indoor mile world record with a time of 4.04.4

Elkhart, KS Famous People

Morton County Historical Society Museum

A visit to the Morton County Historical Museum is an exploration in history. As you enter the museum, you will note the beautiful paintings around the room, depicting the history of Morton County. All are painted by local artists, reflecting pride in sturdy pioneer ancestors.

Elkhart, KS Museums

Point Rock Golf Club

Hidden in the Southwest Corner of Kansas you will find Point Rock Golf Club. Point Rock is the newest of the nine-hole golf courses that have been built in Southwest Kansas. Point Rock get its name from the Point of Rocks area Northwest of the City of Elkhart in the Cimarron National Grasslands.

Elkhart, KS Golf Courses

Whistle Stop Park

The newest city park, Whistle Stop Park, runs parallel to the railroad tracks of Elkhart and covers 23.5 acres. Located along Highway 56

Elkhart, KS Recreation

Things to do near Elkhart, KS

Finney County Historic Driving Tour

Finnup Park Land for the park was donated to the city in 1919 by George Finnup in m...

The Jones & Plummer Trail

The first trail through the area was made by the Jones & Plummer Cattle Co., bringing their cattle from the Texas Panhandle o...