

Twilite Motel

category : Businesses
AAA 2 diamond 22 unit country motel located on 6 acres just 1 mile west of downtown Ellsworth and 18 miles from Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. Complimentary continental breakfast. Small pets/fee welcome in designated rooms. All non smoking rooms. Upscale room amenities, inroom coffee, coin-op laundry, wireless access in office deck area. Detail to cleanliness.

Address: 147 Bucksport Road
Phone: (207) 667-8165

Come visit us in Ellsworth, Maine

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Lakeside Cedar Cabins

Sunbathe on our pebble beach or relax in the shade of the tall pines. 9 housekeeping cedar cabins nestled along 10 mi. long Graham Lake - a warm water lake perfect for bassing or swimming. Rustic cottages accommadate 5 and include 2 bedrooms w/double beds, bathroom w/shower & kitchen &

Ellsworth, ME Businesses

The Telephone Museum

Demonstrating the social and technical significance of the telephone network as it existed between 1876 to 1983 with working equipment. July - September. Open Thursday thru Sunday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Just 1-mile off Route 1

Ellsworth, ME Museums

Woodlawn Museum

Woodlawn, part of the Ellsworth landscape for 175

Ellsworth, ME Museums

Ellsworth Historical Society

This brick and granite structure served as the county jail, sheriff's home and office. The angular gables and asymmetrical elevations bespeak a style once common throughout New England. Open July and August, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00AM - 3:00

Ellsworth, ME Historical Societies

Bar Harbor Golf Course

Course Access: Semi-Private
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times:

Ellsworth, ME Golf Courses

Things to do Businesses near Ellsworth, ME

Chmerto's --Made in Maine Gifts

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St. Croix Valley Antiques & Auctions

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Bad Little Falls Inn

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Wheaton's Lodge

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Harbor House on Sawyer Cove

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