

Housed in town hall - collections of written and photographic history of the town.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Hancock, ME

Dennett's Wharf

Sit on our dock and watch the harbor as you enjoy our full menu selection and our large assortment of Maine micro brewed beer...

Katie's on the Cove/Handmade Confections

Katie's on the Cove is a tiny family-operated confectionery business founded in 1982, that specializes in premium quality han...

Maritime Training Ship State of Maine

The training vessel, State of Maine, is located off the waterfront complex....

The Brooklin Inn

Year 'round Fine Dining Organic Restaurant, B and B, and Pub. Eclectic menu...always local and organic ingredients classical...

Ellsworth Historical Society

This brick and granite structure served as the county jail, sheriff's home and office. The angular gables and asymmetrical el...