

Sargent Center for Outdoor Education, part of Boston University’s Division of Extended Education, has pioneered active learning programs for students and adults for more than eighty years. Year round, we offer meeting space and environmental educati

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Hancock, ME

The Surry House Bed and Breakfast

Close to Keene, kid and pet friendly, in-ground pool,great hiking,skiing,biking & antique shopping, full country breakfast, n...

Earth Forms

Donald Sutherland creates one-of-a-kind ceramic sculptures, architectural wall-reliefs, urns, planters, and funtional pottery...

Eggemoggin Oceanfront Lodge at the Maine Coast Experience

A post and beam log oceanfront lodge offering daily adventure activities and outstanding cuisine....

Alexander-Crawford Historical Society

Information about the towns of Alexander, Crawford, South Princeton, and Cooper. Quarterly newsletter. Open by appointment....

Milbridge Historical Society Museum

A museum of local history. Features shipbuilding, which was once the town's mainstay. Also old methods of fishing, and a recr...