

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Harbor House on Sawyer Cove

A Bed & Breakfast and Antiques Shop in an historic house set at the edge of the sea in the unspoiled fishing village of Jonesport, in "Way Down East"

Jonesport, ME Businesses

Weownit Cranberry Company

Weownit Cranberry Co. produces a variety of value added cranberry products. These include specialty candies featuring Moose Poops, Lobster Eggs, Loon Eggs, Puffin Eggs as well as cranberry fudge, jelly, cranberry nut n'

Jonesport, ME Other Attractions

Things to do Businesses near Jonesport, ME

D K Motel


Open Hearth Inn

This beautiful 185-year-old New England Cape and Inn is only 10 minutes from the entrance to Acadia National Park and eight m...

Eggemoggin Guide Service

World Class Smallmouth fishing. World Class Sea Duck hunting. Striped Bass fishing....

Seaview Campground

RV sites, cabins, motel and tent sites on Passamaquoddy Bay overlooking Old Sow whirlpool. A full service campground with bo...