

Course Access: Resort
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7 days

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Carousel Horse Farm

CHF offers summer day camps, lessons, one hour beginner trail rides to Pear's Ice Cream Shop and boarding services for visiting horseowners. 6000

Casco, ME Farms/Working

Blacksmiths Winery

William Watkins was the South Casco blacksmith for over 70

Casco, ME Wineries

High Country Mission

Hacker's Hill Quaker Ridge Casco. A 345 degree magnificent panoramic view including Big Sebago, the Portland area, Grafton Notch, the White mts of NH and more. May-October, 8:30

Casco, ME Other Attractions

Things to do near Casco, ME

Freeport Historical Society

Freeport Historical society owns two important historic properties both listed on the National Register. Harrington House, o...

Portland Public Library, George I. Lewis & Family Gallery

Art gallery available for local artists. Displays are usually one month long. Open regular library hours....

Pejepscot Historical Society Museum

Serving the Pejepscot region of Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell, Maine. Established in 1888, it is one of Maine's oldest his...

Fairbanks, Frost & Lowe

We are Freeport's source for fine grade Maine Tourmaline and Maine Gems. We stock over 400 pieces of Maine Tourmaline which ...

Balloon Rides

Balloon Rides gives scenic flights over Southern Maine from may through December. Summer flight times are 6 am and 6 pm (weat...