Offering custom antiques tours in mid-coast Maine for individuals & groups, specializing in fine antiques shops for dealers & collectors.
Offering custom antiques tours in mid-coast Maine for individuals & groups, specializing in fine antiques shops for dealers & collectors.
Blythe House Antiques - Fabulous 1799 Maine ship captain's home with 16 carefully selected quality antiques dealers from five states. Eight stunning room settings and showcases packed with fine antiques from the late 1700s through the early 1900
Wiscasset, ME BusinessesThe Morris Farm Trust's mission is to promote the values of sustainable agriculture and stewardship of the earth through education, demonstration and community involvement. The farm is open to the public for free daily from dawn to dusk. There are a variety of adult workshops, children'
Wiscasset, ME Farms/WorkingWorld Class Museum and Purveyor of antique, vintage and modern music boxes, phonographs and player pianios. Restoration our specialty. New England'
Wiscasset, ME MuseumsEuropean style bed and breakfast located 4.2 miles north of Jackson Village on the east side of Route 16. Full breakfast inc...
Hunting, Fishing, Canoeing, Rafting and more. Wheather you want to fish Southern Maine, canoe the Allagash or Hike Katahdin M...
Maine Sport Outfitters is recognized as the premier destination for paddlers, campers, cyclists, fishermen, climbers and just...
Private Waterfront Cabin Rentals in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Swim, Hike, Fish, Bike, Snowmobile, Ski, Snowshoe...
Acclaimed seaside bed and breakfast inn listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Yankee Magazine Editor's Choice ...