

Riverview Foundation

category : Other Attractions
Riverview Foundation is a 501(c) 3 non-competitive, nature-based peaceful martial art and wilderness educational facility based in Topsham and South Portland with remote teaching facilities on the Moose River and in the Northern Maine Woods. Our programs include health, safety, personal security and wilderness education for all ages. We offer year-round classes, short term seminars and summer programs including summer day camp.

Address: 610 Augusta Rd.
Phone: 207-729-7399, ex. 0

Come visit us in Topsham, Maine

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Hancock Gourmet Lobster Company

Gourmet lobster and seafood specialties from the coast of Maine, including Pemaquid Point Lobster Pot Pies, Cundy's Harbor Lobster Stew, Downeast Lobster Rolls, and Yarmouth Island Lobster Hors D'

Topsham, ME Businesses

Riverview Foundation

Riverview Foundation is a 501(c) 3

Topsham, ME Other Attractions

Maine Fiberarts

Maine Fiberarts is a statewide community of fiber artists, craftspeople, fiber-producing farms and suppliers. During 2006, Maine Fiberarts will publish an illustrated, self-guided "Tour Map to Studios & Farms."

Topsham, ME Other Attractions

Village Candle Factory Store

Maine's Largest Candle Store. Receive a free votive with every purchase. Over 55

Topsham, ME Other Attractions

Things to do Other Attractions near Topsham, ME

Theater of the Spirit

Theather of the Spirit was formed in 2004 and involves community members in performances such as Amahl and the Night Visitors...

Searsport Rug Hooking

Searsport Rug Hooking is Maine's, even the countries, largest rug hooking studio. We are filled with everything needed to hoo...

Water Walker Sea Kayak, LLC

One-of-a-kind day and overnight trips among the islands of the Midcoast, Acadia & Downeast regions. Welcoming families, g...