

Aurora, Missouri

The drive-in theatre is one of the few remaining in the area and families from Joplin and Springfield as well as farther away drive to Aurora to see movies here. It's great summer fun, nostalgia for some, and a new adventure for younger folks.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Bank of Aurora

The Bank of Aurora was organized in 1887. It was robbed in the 1930

Aurora, MO Architecture

Aurora Carnegie Library

The Carnegie library was built in 1917-18 for $18,000

Aurora, MO Carnegie Libraries

City Hall

The City Hall was built in 1918 of brick over tile and partly from rubble from the previously burned building. The ground was raised about 3

Aurora, MO Architecture

Historic Tour

The Chamber of Commerce has designed a walking/driving tour of historic sites throughout Aurora including sixteen historic buildings and homes dating from 1880 to the early 1900

Aurora, MO Tours

W.H. Scott Home

The Scott home was built in 1906 for $38,000 taking 20 laborers and two years to build. The light fixtures are attached to gas and electric lines.

Aurora, MO Historic Homes

Things to do near Aurora, MO