Early spring brings visitors to Neosho for the Annual Dogwood Tour as six species of dogwood occur naturally in Missouri and are abundantly displayed throughout Neosho. A self-driving tour has been mapped beginning at the Neosho High School and meandering along the tree-lined streets of the city.
Legend has it that at the crucifixion the dogwood was as large and strong as the oak, and as such was chosen as timber for the cross. Such a desecrated use so distressed the tree that Jesus in his pity promised that the species would never again grow large enough to be so used, and ordered that the blossom "shall be in the form of a cross and at the edge of each petal there shall be nail prints, and in the center a crown of thorns. And this tree shall be cherished as a reminder of My cross."
So it has been and the springtime of the dogwood has remained a symbol of divine sacrifice, and the promise of eternal life. A pretty fable, one treasured by Missourians, who love dogwood for other reason, too.
Scheduled tour dates and maps are available at the Neosho Area Chamber of Commerce.