SMSU-Mountain Grove is a 190-acre campus; home to the Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station, the Midwest Viticulture and Enology Center, and the Department of Fruit Science. Established in Mountain Grove around the turn of the century, the Fruit Station is a research and advisement center serving the fruit industry, home fruit growers and Missouri consumers. Ozarks Gold Apples, Ozarks Premium Plums and Loring Peaches are but a few of the varieties released by the Fruit Station. The Station has also played a vital role in the development of the blueberry and in Missouri's grape and wine industries. Courses are offered on campus through Fruit Science, and through West Plains and Springfield outreach programs.
Mountain Grove area residents support the Southwest Missouri State University Campus at Mountain Grove by participating in undergraduate and graduate educational programs, pre-school to second grade apple orchard tours, vocational agricultural high school horticulture programs as well as special events and field days. Students in the area can complete an associate degree at Mountain Grove through the West Plains Extended Campus program. The Videoconferencing room 205 in Faurot Hall is part of the SMSU Off-Campus and Interactive Video Program (Bearnet-Springfield, Grizznet-West Plains).
The Department of Fruit Science conducts tours of the research plantings and campus during September for south-central Missouri elementary school classes. Approximately 2,000 children tour each year during apple season. Tours are also arranged year round for area vocational agriculture students, high school science students, and other groups based on their particular interests. Contact Marilyn Odneal, mbo774t@smsu.edu for information on scheduling an educational tour.