Ray County Museum and Genealogical Library
category : Museums
Ray County, known as the Mother County of Missouri, and, its County Seat, Richmond, boasts a beautiful turn of the century building for its museum. 37 plus rooms, displayed in period pieces, house history, Indian artifacts, Mormon room, former room, black history room, coal mining room, parlors, Governor's room, DAR room, etc. The Ray County Historical Society and Ray County Genealogy Association house one of the largest research libraries in the State of Missouri. All right here in one building!
We are honored to be on the National Register of Historic Places for architecture, (1973) and provide tours, guided and walking tours.
We also have a formal parlor for teas, meetings and enjoying a piece of the past.
Admission: Free Admission; donations appreciated
Hours: Winter Hours: Wed. - Sat, 10am - 4pm.
Address: 901 W. Royle St.
Phone: 816-776-2305
Our Email: karenbush11@hotmail.com
Our Website:www.geocities.com/raycountymuseum
Handicapped Accessible.
Come visit us in Richmond, Missouri