

Confederate War Memorial

category : Memorials
A large pink granite ball mounted on a base with a plaque that reads "To Our Confederate Dead 1861-1865". The Union troops camped on the Courthouse lawn during part of the Civil War and Colonel Henry M. Shaw was in charge of the Eighth Regiment of North Carolina Troops. He lived in Indiantown in Currituck. The settlement is now called Shawboro and he is buried there. He was one of the signers of the Paper of Secession

145 Courthouse Rd.
Currituck, NC 27929
Phone: (252)453-9497
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Come visit us in Currituck, North Carolina

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Currituck County Historic Jail

Next to the Currituck County Courthouse sits the original Currituck Jail. This jail was built after receiving legislative permission in 1767, burned down in 1808, then was rebuilt in 1857 and is one of the four oldest jails in North Carolina. The jail is a Jacobean brick building 32' X 20'

Currituck, NC Pioneer History

Currituck Courthouse

The original Courthouse was built in 1723. The present courthouse was built prior to 1869: some say as early as 1842. The courthouse now houses the County Commissioners Meeting Room and other County offices. The building is open weekdays.

Currituck, NC Historic Courthouses

Knotts Island Ferry

The ferry that goes from mainland Currituck to Knotts Islandfirst ferry run is 6:00 a.m. and the last ferry is at 6:30 p.m.The ferry holds 30 cars and is free.

Currituck, NC Ferries

Confederate War Memorial

A large pink granite ball mounted on a base with a plaque that reads "To Our Confederate Dead 1861-1865"

Currituck, NC Memorials

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Confederate War Memorial

A large pink granite ball mounted on a base with a plaque that reads "To Our Confederate Dead 1861-1865". The Union troops c...

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