On stage for over 50 years, this spectacular outdoor drama portrays the history of the Cherokee Indians covering the period of 1540 up to and through the removal of all but a remnant to Indian Territory in Oklahoma in 1838
Cherokee, NC ArtsRe-creates an authentic 18th-century Indian community. Cherokee artisans and guides demonstrate and explain the arts and crafts and the lifestyle and culture of their ancestors. Replicas of Cherokee homes, council house and squareground of the 1750
Cherokee, NC MuseumsSit on the deck of this large Lindal Cedar Home in Todd, NC, and look down your yard to the New River as it runs on down to ...
Angels Abound is a manufacturer's inspirational gift outlet store for Glassical Heirlooms. We sell angels & other gifts at be...
Native & enriched gem mine. Covered, concrete flumes....
Experience the mountains as they were, at New River General Store. Stroll along the banks of the New River, then step back in...
Featuring: Candles & Gifts, Pfaltzgraff Dishes, Bath & Body Products, Wilton Cake Decorating Supplies, Gourmet Coffee, Tea &...