3 rooms.,kitchen.,eight foot deck leading to a private entrance to each of the guest rooms. Each room has color cable, TV, private bath, and small refrigerator.
Burnsville, NC Businesses
200 year old cabin, completely restored, central heating & air conditioning, fireplace, modern kitchen, and bath, wrap around rocking chair porch, loft, gas grill - everything provided but the food!
Burnsville, NC Businesses
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places. ...
Beautiful shaded campground located 5.5 miles east of Franklin off US 64/NC 28 on banks of Cullasaja River. Open April 1 thr...
Nestled on the banks of the Tuckasegee River, offers 66 well appointed accommodations. ...
Colored pencil drawings by Teresa Pennington, of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountain area scenery and landmarks. Custom framin...