

Pittsboro Farmers' Market

category : Farms
The Pittsboro Farmers Market is held at the Chatham County Fair Grounds, in Pittsboro, NC. All produce is sold by local growers, with approximately 25 - 45 vendors (this changes as the seasons change and more produce is available).Corn, okra, tomatoes, peaches, plums, blackberries, blueberries, goat cheese, new potatoes, cucumbers, onions, snap beans squash, zucchini, beef, chicken, pork, local honey, free range eggs, plants & herbs, jams & jellies, baked goods, soaps & oils, cut flowers, and wild flower greeting crads.The Pittsboro Farmers Market begins on Thursday, April 6, 2001, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.and continues each Thursday through Thanksgiving. Call for more information, 542-3813.

Chatham County Fairgrounds
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Phone: (919)542-8202
Our Email:

Come visit us in Pittsboro, North Carolina

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Chatham County Historical Association

Request a brochure of the numerous sites in Chatham County that are listed on the National Historic Register. Visit the modest museum in the Chatham County Courthouse on Fridays, from 10am until 2pm. Scattered throughout the county are fourteen highway historical markers (six in Pittsboro)

Pittsboro, NC Museums

Chatham County Courthouse & Historical Museum

Self-guided walking tour of historic downtown Pittsboro includes a variety of shops, restaurants, and modest Chatham Historical Museum (open Wednesdays from noon until 3pm).

Pittsboro, NC Historic Courthouses

Allen & Son Pit-Cooked Bar-B-Que

NC barbeque, pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw, and other incredible dishes. Excellent milkshakes and hushpuppies too!

Pittsboro, NC Businesses

Talking Tree Trail

The Talking Tree Trail is 3/4 mile and is a feature of Jordan Lake Educational State Forest, the newest of NC's Educational State Forests. The Talking Tree Trail features "talking trees," each witha recorded message about its history and surroundings. Located in Chatham County.

Pittsboro, NC Trails

Hickory Mountain Plant/Hosta Farm

More than 120 varieties of hostas and many different perennials, including a wide variety of hardy ferns. New plants added as they mature.

Pittsboro, NC Farms

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