One of the largest selections of Persia, Indian, Chinese, Turkish, Pakistani, Tibet, Dhurries. Sell and trade Oriental rugs: expert cleaning, repairs, appraisals and antiques.
Durham, NC Arts
A 78-acre, 68,000-square-foot regional, interactive science technology center featuring the exciting new "Explore the Wild"
Durham, NC Museums Providing educational toys for children of all ages.
Durham, NC Other Attractions
The state's newest historic site is dedicated to the study, preservation and interpretation of North Carolina's rural heritag...
Located on Highway 421 North. ...
1108 North Main Street (336) 882-3267. Come celebrate the history and heritage of High Point, NC at the JH Adams Inn, listed...
Serves sushi, tempura, teriyaki, noodles and other traditional Japanese dinners with soup and salad.