

Weatherspoon is nationally recognized for its exceptional collection of 5,600 exhibitions of modern and contemporary art works and for its dynamic thought-provoking exhibits. Well-known artists in the collection include Matisse, de Kooning, Calder, Hesse, LeWitt, Sherman, Warhol and many more. Hours: Tues.-Wed. & Fri., 10am-5pm; Thurs., 10am-9pm; Sat.-Sun., 1-5pm. Closed Mondays & university holidays. Located on the UNCG campus, corner of Tate and Spring Garden Sts. FREE admission and convenient visitor parking. Call for information about group tours, exhibitions and special events

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Carolina Model Railroaders

Carolina Model Railroaders, Inc. (CMR) is Greensboro's oldest model railroad club. CMR has served the Triad with over 34

Greensboro, NC Railroad History

Amtrak Station - Greensboro

This historically renovated full service station includes Amtrak ticket agent on duty, walk-up ticket window sales, free parking and checked baggage. Station open 24 hours. Daily trains include: 73, 74 (Raleigh to Charlotte), 79, 80 (New York to Charlotte) and 19, 20 (New York to New Orleans)

Greensboro, NC Historic Buildings

O. Henry Statues

This outdoor, three-piece sculpture group honors Greensboro's best known writer, William Sydney Porter (O. Henry). It features a bronze likeness of the author, a 7-by-14-foot open book of his short stories and a statue of his small dog, Lovey. Located on the corner on North Elm &

Greensboro, NC Arts

Replacements, Ltd.

The world's largest retailer of old and new china, crystal, flatware and collectibles. More than 11 million pieces of inventory in 250,000+ patterns! Free daily tours of showrooms, museum, warehouse and restoration facility. Tour patrons can inquire about patterns and shop the 12,000

Greensboro, NC Businesses

Things to do near Greensboro, NC

Deep River Campground

Wooded park situated on 32 acres with many amenities. Propane sales, tanning bed on site! Monthly, weekly, daily and seasona...

Papas Grill

Greek ...

Homestead Lodge

111 rooms. ...

The Beehive

Gifts & Collectibles ...