Steakhouse/Seafood-Casual Attire
Steakhouse/Seafood-Casual Attire
Built in 1879, this home became the headquarters of Camp Green in 1917. Visits may be scheduled by reservation only. The house is open on the 3
Charlotte, NC Historic HomesA monument honoring the living veterans of the United States. The monument consists of 6
Charlotte, NC MonumentsLake resort on two acres with view of lake from glassed-in porch. Located 10 minutes from airport and 15
Charlotte, NC BusinessesProvides bicycling maps for all areas of North Carolina. ...
Northeast corner of Fordham Blvd (US Highway 15-501) and Raleigh Rd (NC Highway 54 East). Chapel Hill's first shopping center...
2002-2003 Regular season. Check website for details and special activities. ...
Join us as we continue to explore the 1861-1865 history of North Carolina's military prison during the War between the States...