IRHA Championship Drag Racing, featuring 100 events per year, running from Feb. to Nov. Highlights include two national drag-racing events and many Friday Nite Street Drags.
Rockingham, NC Other Attractions
Championship (6267 yards, 69.9 rating, 127 slope); Back (6267 yards, 69.9 rating, 127 slope); Middle (5833 yards, 67.9 rating, 120 slope); Forward (5051 yards, 65.0 rating, 113 slope); ;18 holes, par 72, ;clubhouse, rstrnt./lounge, range, putt. green, chip. green, pro shop, ;Open year-round, ;910/99
Rockingham, NC Country ClubsChinese food to take out or eat in with an all-you-can-eat buffet. Open daily for lunch and dinner.
ca. 1918. Now International headquarters of the Anglican Orthodox Church. Elizabethan Revival style house. The stairway is...
123-room hotel with suites, convenient to Fort Bragg and Greater Fayetteville. Please visit us at