Lumber River State Park
category : State Parks
A black water river, the Lumber River gets its inky coloring from the natural tannic from the many cypress gum trees along its banks. It is one of only four North Carolina rivers to be designated a National Wild and Scenic River and the only black water river in the state which has received this designation. 7,936 acres of land and 115 miles of state natural and scenic waters, 81 miles of which are also designated national wild and scenic waters.NOTE: Due to the fluctuating water level of the Lumber River, canoeists and boaters should exercise caution in planning trips on the river. Add extra time for crossing exposed hazards and sandbars. All float times should include additional time to reach take-out points.Contains picnicking facilities, boat ramp and primitive camping. Bathroom facilities are available.
2819 Princess Anne Rd.
Orrum, NC 28369
Phone: (910)628-9844
Come visit us in Orrum, North Carolina