

Science education museum with many exhibits for every age. Exotic animals from around the world on display. Up close experience with dialy live science progrmams and demonstrations. Visit the unique gift shop. Ample parking in therear of the facility, handicapped accessible entrasnce. This is a temporary location until renovations are completed at original museum site.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Wedgewood Public Golf Course

18 holes, par 72, ;Open year-round, ;252/237-4761, Fax: 252/246-1104, ;

Wilson, NC Golf Courses

Happy Valley Country Club

A fun and exciting 18-hole facility guaranteed to test all of your golfing skills.;Championship (6400 yards, 69.2 rating, 119 slope); ;18 holes, par 72, ;clubhouse, rstrnt./lounge, range, putt. green, chip. green, pro shop, rentals, ;Open year-round, ;252/237-6611, ;

Wilson, NC Country Clubs

Things to do near Wilson, NC

Fairfield Inn

I-95, Exit 20 ...

Elizabeth's Pizza

Pizza, pasta dishes, sandwiches, soups, appetizers. Lunch and dinner served daily. ...