Pipestem Creek
category : Tours
Manufacturer of hand-made SunFlorals (exquisite natural floral wreaths) and SunFeeders (edible birdfeeders and birdhouses). Summer tours include extensive gardens, drying and production facilities and gift shop. There are three renovated granaries and a train depot. Visit the charming gift shop, which is in a restored 10-sided granary.
Hours: Open year-round, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Extended hours in summer and fall. Open evenings and weekends by chance or appointment. Guided tours wel
Address: 9 miles south on Highway 281
Phone: 701-652-2623
Fax: 701-652-1441
Our Email: pipestem@daktel.com
Our Website:www.pipestemcreek.com
Come visit us in Carrington, North Dakota