

Course Access: Semi-Private
Holes: 9
Reserve Advance Tee Times: Yes

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Cooperstown, ND

Buffalo Creek State Historic Site

Marker designates area crossed by Gen. Henry H. Sibley and his military expedition on Aug. 16, 1863. His expedition included ...

Valley City State University Planetarium

Only planetarium of its kind in North Dakota. Projects more than 2,500 stars on 24-foot dome with seating for 52. ADA accessi...

Dakota Magic Casino and Hotel

120-room hotel, 1,500-seat convention center, convention/meeting rooms, Seven Fires Grille, 24-hour buffet, 725 reel and vide...

Adams Fairview Bonanza Farm

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Built in the 1880s and remodeled in 1904. House and six other buil...

Mayville Golf Club

Course Access: PublicHoles: 9Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7 days...