

Site contains 60-million-year-old dinosaur fossils, including triceratops and tyrannosaurus rex.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Marmarth, ND

Fort Dilts State Historic Site

On this site in 1864, a wagon train party under the command of Capt. James L. Fisk, was besieged by Sioux Indians. An interpr...

Five Nations Arts Store

Housed in a restored Great Northern Railroad Depot and featuring authentic American Indian artwork, jewelry, sculptures and b...

Honeyman's Music Room and Eleanore's Doll Room

This music lover's private collection features over 50 musical instruments and music boxes plus a fantastic collection of dol...

Antelope Valley Station

Lignite-fired electric generating station. Groups of five or fewer can contact plant directly. Group tours through Basin Elec...

Molander Indian Village

Site preserves a large prehistoric Hidatsa earthlodge village dating to the 1700s, protected by a fortification ditch, reinfo...