

Security First Bank Crawford, NE

Fort Robinson Museum

category : Museums
Fort Robinson Museum Welcome to Fort Robinson, an active U.S. Military post from 1874 - 1948, now a Nebraska State Park. From Crazy Horse to Olympic horsemen, Fort Robinson's history spans seven decades. Crazy Horse, the great Oglala warrior, met his death here in 1877. Thirteen years later, black "buffalo soldiers" from the Fort's Ninth Cavalry patrolled the Pine Ridge Reservation in the uneasy days after Wounded Knee. In this century, the Fort has been home to the Army Olympic equestrian team, the Quartermaster's Remount Depot, the World War II K-9 Corps, and German Prisoners of war.

Fort Robinson's fascinating past is interpreted by the Nebraska State Historical Society, which operates the Fort Robinson Museum and related historic sites and buildings throughout the park.

You may also visit an 1887 officers' quarters, the reconstructed 1875 guardhouse and adjutant's office, the 1904 blacksmith shop, the 1906 harness repair shop, the 1908 veterinary hospital, and the old post cemetery. Interpretive exhibits in the 1905 Post Headquarters feature fascinating items from the Fort's seventy-year history. A short drive takes you to the sites of the prisoner of war camp and the 1873-77 Red Cloud Indian Agency.

For your convenience, a 15 point, self-guided booklet with historical explanations is available at the Museum that will make the 6.6 mile tour a complete and educational experience.

Admission: Non Member Admission: $1.00 Adults, Children with adults free. Group rates available.
Hours: Hours: Memorial Day through Labor Day, Monday - Saturday, 8am to 5 pm; Sunday, 9am to 5 pm. Hours vary during the off season.
Address: Three miles west of Crawford on U.S. Highway 20
Phone: 308-665-2919
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Come visit us in Crawford, Nebraska

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Fort Robinson State Historic Park

Nebraska's largest and most historic state park, Fort Robinson was an active military post from 1874 to 1948

Crawford, NE Forts

Chadron State Park

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Bordeaux Trading Post

From about 1857 to 1876, an Indian "trading post" occupied a site near here. Built by James Bordeaux, the trading station was often attacked and set afire by hostile Crow warriors. Fortunately some friendly Sioux Indians came to the rescue and drove off the attacking Crow.

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