

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Roman L. Hruska Meat Animal Research Center

Scientists at the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) develop new technology in order to increase the efficiency of livestock production and benefit consumers. The MARC was authorized by Congress on June 16, 1964

Clay Center, NE Research Centers

St. Martin's Catholic Church

St. Martin's Catholic Church was designed by architect James H. Craddock in the Gothic Revival style and was erected in 1907-8. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Clay Center, NE Historic Churches

Clay County Courthouse

The Clay County Courthouse was built in 1918, replacing a brick structure that was built in 1881. The courthouse stands in the center square of downtown Clay Center surrounded by 30

Clay Center, NE Historic Courthouses

Clay County Museum

The Clay County Historical Society is proud to welcome you to their fine museum complex which was made a reality in 1980 to exhibit and protect the county's artifacts and archival materials.

Clay Center, NE Museums

Things to do near Clay Center, NE

Historic HMMJ Radio Station

Headlines in the Clay County Sun of December 3, 1925, proclaimed "Local Station KMMJ Is On The Air!" flat...

Alexandria State Lakes

This scenic area east of Alexandria encompasses 1,769 acres of park and wildlife lands including 47 acres of water. The l...