

Fairbury, Nebraska

What is today known as the Ackerman Building was originally called the I.0.0.F. Temple Building. It was the first building downtown to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The building housed the International Order of Odd Fellows Lodge 54 and was built in 1894-1895 by Sarah Moulton, wife of a county judge. The building was Romanesque Revival style.

It was leased out as an implement company and to Mathis Shoe Repair. A printery was also in the building.

Dances were held in the upstairs area from the 1920s up to the 1960s.

The upstairs was also used for a railroad organization.

After World War II, a Goodyear store occupied the building and later the U.S. Army Reserves used the building.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Smith Lime Kiln

A long-abandoned lime kiln, looking very much like a large stone chimney stands along the River Road northwest of Fairbury. For a period of at least 20 years, it was the sight of a lime-burning operation where limestone was heated, or "calcined"

Fairbury, NE National Register

George Winslow Monument

This monument is situated on a grassy knoll of a field. On April 26, 1849, 25 members of the Boston-Newton Joint Stock Association left Boston, Mass., to travel overland to the gold fields of California. On May 29

Fairbury, NE Monuments

Campbell Bros. Circus -1885 to 1913

"Above the roar of the lions, the music of the calliope, and the laughter and chatter of the throngs of people, the cries of the circus barker were heard throughout the towns and cities where this great circus performed."


Fairbury, NE One Of A Kinds

Carnegie Library

In 1907, the Fairbury community received a grant of $12,500 from Andrew Carnegie. Ground was broken on October 5, 1908, and the library opened to the public December 10, 1909

Fairbury, NE Carnegie Libraries

Things to do near Fairbury, NE

Dahlgreen Hall

This building was erected to house the Nuckoll's County Historical Society horse-drawn machinery. A building was needed to s...