

York, Nebraska

The Anna Bemis Palmer Museum, considered one of the finest historical museums in Nebraska, is a perfect relaxing location where visitors can slip back in time and lose themselves in the days of old. Anna Bemis Palmer loved the York community, providing much of the funding and many of the historical artifacts of the museum through her generosity.

The museum's displays chronicle York County and Nebraska's history, guiding visitors through area geology, Native American settlements, pioneer days, turn-of-the-century, our nation at war, and local disasters.

A special attraction at the museum is its "period rooms," displaying the insides of a sod house, including typical furnishings of the early settler, a complete bedroom and parlor of the 1880s, a pioneer wagon and an old interior of a bank.

Other local memorabilia is housed at the Historical Building at 2329 Nebraska Avenue, which is also a source for historical documents where visitors can research their pasts. The historical association hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 am to noon and Sunday, 2:00 to 4:00 pm.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Anna Bemis Palmer Museum

The Anna Bemis Palmer Museum, considered one of the finest historical museums in Nebraska, is a perfect relaxing location where visitors can slip

York, NE Museums


The big Yorkfest celebration will continue to be the highlight of the beginning of autumn and the close of the summer. Held annually the first full weekend of

York, NE Festivals

Parks & Walking Trail

York's tree-lined parks feature a variety of modern amenities including playgrounds, barbecue and picnicking sites, bike and hiking trails, ball diamonds, fountains, and nature centers.

Harrison Park, located adjacent to the city'

York, NE Recreation

Lee's Legendary Marbles and Collectibles

"Everybody played marbles when I was going to school,including the girls. Sometimes they were better shots than the boys. It was one of the most popular games. There wasn't TV then, none of that. So you got out and played marbles. Back then the marbles cost a little bit of nothing. You could get 50

York, NE Museums

Children's Museum

The York Area Children's Museum has a multitude of reality-based displays that bring out children's fantasies based on the fun side of adult realism.

York, NE Museums

Things to do near York, NE

Nehawka Flint Quarries - NHR

Early archeologists observed nearly 300 unusual depressions in flint-rich areas of Pennsylvanian limestone formation along...

Itha-Krumme Memorial Arboretum

Itha-Krumme Memorial Arboretum is a showcase of Nebraska plants and a place to learn about plant biologies and characteristic...