

Kearney, Nebraska

The Hanson-Downing House, built in 1886, is an excellent example of the American ornamented cottage. The asymmetry of forms, variation in roof sections, and textural variety create a picturesque effect and demonstrate the versatility of wood as a building material. The house was built by Charles E. Hanson and later sold to Wallace A. Downing. Both were businessmen in Kearney.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Great Platte River Road Archway Monument

The only U.S. attraction to span an interstate highway, the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument is a fantastic link to the past. Its eight stories span a distance where trappers, pioneers, the 49

Kearney, NE Museums

Sandhill Crane Migration

Fossil records reveal the sandhill cranes have been visiting this region for more than nine million years. For five weeks each spring, visitors to the Platte River valley in south-central Nebraska can enjoy the symphony of sounds and dancing rituals of 90 percent of the world'

Kearney, NE Natural Attractions

Crane Meadows Nature Center

Crane Meadows Nature Center is a year-round educational organization dedicated to providing an understanding of, and access to, the ecosystems of the Platte River valley. Open daily, with expanded hours during the crane season (8 a.m.-6 p.m.), the center offers sunrise and sunset tours to a 25

Kearney, NE Nature Centers

Things to do near Kearney, NE

Year Round Fishing

Cold water first brought the Rock Creek Hatchery fish truck there 52 years ago to stock rainbow trout, and Lake Ogallala beca...