Cody Park Railroad Museum
category : Museums

Accompanying the 3977 Unit is a baggage car (also acquired in 1968), mail car, caboose, orderboard water crane, baggage truck, and semaphore block signal. In 1985, Unit 6922 was retired and donated to the City of
North Platte by the Union Pacific Railroad. It was installed in the park in August of the same year. Also on display is the railroad Depot from Hershey, Nebraska. The Depot houses such memorabilia as a dispatchers telephone, operators telephone, telegraph equipment, as well as the appropriate depot furniture.
During the night, visitors can drive by and observe working headlights, running lights, and marker lights of the locomotives as well as block signals and depot platform lights.
Admission: Free of Charge
Hours: Season/Hours of Operation May 1 - End of September, Every Day, 10a.m.-8p.m.
Come visit us in North Platte, Nebraska