

North Platte, Nebraska

One thousand years ago in Southwest Nebraska, there lived small groups of Native Americans known to archeologists as the Upper Republican Culture. These farming people were probably ancestors to the Pawnee Tribe. Some may feel their way of life was harsh, but their ability to live as one with nature gave them a spiritual outlook on life that few have ever experienced. It is in a setting of rolling prairie hills along the banks of Medicine Creek that Dancing Leaf has tried to recapture a feeling of closeness to nature and inner strength that can best be experienced through the simple way of life.

Dancing Leaf Cultural Learning Center offers a unique blend of educational and recreational opportunities. An earthen lodge from the time period of 800 - 1300 years ago has been reconstructed. Four-hundred man hours go into the construction of these earthen structures. Native trees are set in holes dug in the excavated living floor to provide main support for the over 200 rafter poles which support Sandbar Willows and Prairie Hay which is then covered with earth. These igloo shaped structures provide cool refuge from the summer heat and warm dry shelter from the winter wind and snow. A central fire hearth with a smoke hole overhead is the heart of these cozy homes.

A tour of this and other archaeological information and artifacts is covered in a 90-minute daily tour. Dancing Leaf is located on 115 acres of cedar covered canyons along the Medicine Creek and includes a spring fed lake, many scenic trails and natural springs.

Attractions and Upcoming Events


Northe Platte boasts four unique golf courses that score big with golfers of all abilities. Whatever your handicap, the Northe Platte area has the course for you.

Indian Meadows Golf Course: This is a mature, challenging 9

North Platte, NE Golf Courses

Union Pacific Railroad Bailey Yard

The long, narrow delta at the forks of the North and South Platte Rivers, populated by wild grasses and bulky bison, had been crossed before - by nomadic Plains Indians, by covered wagons and by the Pony Express.

But in 1866

North Platte, NE Railroad History

Fort Cody Trading Post

Since 1963, Fort Cody Trading Post has been a landmark on the Nebraska Plains. Not only does the Fort have great shopping, but has recently finished a total renovation of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in Minature for your enjoyment! Over 20,000

North Platte, NE Museums

20th Century Veteran's Memorial

The 20th Century Veterans' Memorial is a permanent memorial dedicated to and honoring the military men and women of the United States who served their country during the 20th Century. The monument is located in North Platte's Iron Horse Park, which is adjacent to the busy "crossroads"

North Platte, NE Memorials

Things to do near North Platte, NE

Medicine Creek Camping

Facilities at Medicine Creek for camping and picnicking range from the most modern to just the essentials. Shady Bay Campg...