

Phelps County Wildlife Preserves

category : Wildlife Refuges
Phelps County Wildlife Preserves March is the peak month for viewing waterfowl at all of the wildlife preserves. At the Funk Lagoon you may see more than 500,000 ducks and geese per day, and over 20 species of various waterfowl. Shorebirds are found in Sacramento and sandbars on the Platte river. Flooded grain fields are excellent places for spotting buff-breasted sandpipers. Plum thickets and weed patches near wetlands are good places to spot warblers and sparrows.

Enjoy a front row seat for the annual Bald Eagle migration at the Central Nebraska Public Power District J-2 Plant north of Bertrand from Mid-December to mid-March. Catch a glimpse of Swainson's Hawk perching on a stump at the Funk Lagoon.

Coyote and fox abound in the cornfields and pastures of south central Nebraska and can be spotted at the Funk Lagoon.

Sandhill cranes stop off to feed in the cornfields by the Platte River, early March through mid-April, on their way to Canada and thrill viewers with their wonderful mating dance. Pheasant, quail, dove, wild turkey, and rabbit can be found at all of the game preserves and almost anywhere else you travel in the county. White tailed deer are plentiful in Phelps County along rivers and streams, in the wildlife preserves, and sometimes even in town!

A - Atlanta Marsh - 1/2 mile north of Atlanta via county road

C - Cottonwood WPA - 1 mile north, 2 east of Bertrand

F - Funk Lagoon WPA - 1 mile east, 3 north of Funk via county road

JM - Jones Marsh WPA - 2 miles east, 2 north of Atlanta via county road

L - Lynder WPA - 1 miles north, 5 east of Bertrand

S - Sacramento Wildlife Preserve WMA - 2 1/4 miles west of Wilcox, via county road to access sign.

Come visit us in Holdrege, Nebraska

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Phelps County Wildlife Preserves

March is the peak month for viewing waterfowl at all of the wildlife preserves. At the Funk Lagoon you may see more than 500,000 ducks and geese per day, and over 20

Holdrege, NE Wildlife Refuges

Bronze Sculpture

Greeting visitors to Holdrege is the beautiful 12' bronze sculpture, "Promise of the Prairie", by native artist, George Lundeen. It is a promise for today and tomorrow; The promise that living in Phelps County is a good life with room to grow and laugh and love.

Holdrege, NE Arts

Things to do Wildlife Refuges near Holdrege, NE