

McCook, Nebraska

Doyle is one of the finest examples of Woodland culture in the Republican River valley of southwest Nebraska and northwest Kansas. Work at the site uncovered a superb example of a Woodland house floor. Artifacts, particularly pottery vessels, attribute the occupation to the Keith Phase (A.D. 500-1000), the only known Woodland culture in southwest Nebraska. Radiocarbon dates suggest two separate occupations, the first about A.D. 50 and another about A.D. 550-600. These dates offer preliminary evidence of Woodland culture emerging in the Republican basin five centuries earlier than previously thought. The Doyle Site is listed on the National Historic Register.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Heritage Hills Golf Course

Featuring 250 beautiful acres on the west edge of McCook that plays 18 holes to one of the hardest course and slope ratings in the state with a Par 72. Visitors agree that it is one of the most challenging tests of golf ever experienced. Heritage Hills is ranked "One of Golf Digest's Top 75

McCook, NE Golf Courses

Frank Lloyd Wright's Sutton House

One of America's most influential and imaginative architects, Frank Lloyd Wright, spent almost 70 years creating a striking variety of architectural forms. 602

McCook, NE Famous Homes

McCook Carnegie Library

The McCook Library, listed on the National Historic Register

McCook, NE Carnegie Libraries

Historical Downtown McCook

A landmark of its own, downtown McCook is lined with striking architectural designs. Each building is rich in its own history, providing an enjoyable atmosphere reminiscent of the times in which McCook experienced its booming growth.

McCook, NE Historic Downtowns

Senator George W. Norris Home

Built in 1886, the Senator George W. Norris Home is both a state and national historic site focused on the history and vision of Senator George Norris (1861-1944). The Home is listed on the National Historic Register.

McCook, NE Famous Homes

Things to do near McCook, NE

Red Willow Hunting

Pheasant, rabbit, and deer hunters like Red Willow's tall native grasses, brushy canyons, and shrub and tree plantings for wi...


Want to go for a long drive? Grand Island?s fine golf courses are the perfect place to do just that no matter what your skill...