

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Historic Fitzwilliam Economic Development Association, Inc.

HFEDA engages in activities that benefit the town of Fitzwilliam and its businesses in ways that maintain and enhance Fitzwilliam'

Fitzwilliam, NH Businesses

The Little House Country Victorian Guest Cottage

Enjoy the Quaint, Old-fashioned Romance of a Cottage for Two. Sip lemonade on the front porch swing. Curl up in front of a crackling fire. Savor breakfast in a 1920'

Fitzwilliam, NH Businesses

Things to do near Fitzwilliam, NH

Herb Barn


The Little House Country Victorian Guest Cottage

Enjoy the Quaint, Old-fashioned Romance of a Cottage for Two. Sip lemonade on the front porch swing. Curl up in front of a cr...