

The Seacoast Science Center, located in historically rich Odiorne Point State Park, is a "must see" for anyone wishing to discover the natural treasures and rich history of coastal New Hampshire. The Center's dramatic seaside setting, interpretive exhibits, and commitment to creating a memorable, personalized experience for each visitor sets it apart from other museums, aquariums and attractions.

Whether you choose to explore on your own, join a visitor program, or sign up for one of our special programs or events, your experience will be exceptional. Visit once, and you will visit again and again.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Seacoast Science Center

The Seacoast Science Center, located in historically rich Odiorne Point State Park, is a "must see" for anyone wishing to discover the natural treasures and rich history of coastal New Hampshire. The Center'

Rye, NH Science Centers

Ray's Seafood Restaurant, INC.

Family dining, we catch our own lobsters, ocean and harbor views, outside deck, 2

Rye, NH Businesses

Things to do near Rye, NH